Raoul Moretti

The Italian-Swiss harpist Raoul Moretti is a versatile and many-sided harpist with a very  personal approach to the instrument. This has led him, over the years, to develop an artistic career-path in search of a personal stile, beginning with the degree in classical harp continuing with a deep research on electro harp, a kaleidoscopic approach between composing and improvisation and using of unconventional techniques. Nowadays he’s one of the most innovating harpist with an international trajectory, bringing his harp in different musical worlds (avant-garde, pop-rock, world music, electronics, nu-dance, classic, free improvising) and other forms of art (dance, painting, movie, video-installation) and many different ambients (theatre, clubs, disco, houses, streets, balconies, stations, airports, medical centers, professional studios). He’s regularly invited in International Festival around the world and Academies for workshops about electro-harp and electronics. He played in Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Spain, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Polonia, China,Hong Kong, Paraguay, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela, Martinica, Dominica, Brasil, Argentina e Australia. He’s Artistic Director of International Festival Arpe del Mondo.

Participations - Performances - Collaborations

RAOUL MORETTI: HARPSCAPES - Thursday, 10 October 2019  