Democracy in Crisis,
The consequences of austerity in Inclusion and Planning politics

This meeting will address and discuss facets and consequences of the debt crisis and austerity politics which are becoming aspects of Democracy in Crisis. Focusing particularly on the necessary policies of inclusiveness, aiming to deal with the intensified exclusion from a range of social rights (such as illiteracy,   confinement, delinquency and immigration).
 Bringing together knowledge and experiences from different perspectives and positions of responsibility, either local and/or global, we expect to develop a fruitful and inspiring dialogue. The theme of the second panel will be developed through critical feminist and ecological approaches to articulate a reflection on the ways the crisis has affected the development of the spatial programming and planning, as well as the everyday life of the vulnerable population groups.
By highlighting the effects of the neoliberal restrictive economic policies in Europe and the globe, we will be aiming to suggest a framework inspired by positive freedom ideals and by environmental and gender equality.
First Panel 17.00 – 18.30pm
Politics of Inclusion, Confinement, immigration, Education
Nikos Paraskevopoulos, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Law, Former Justice Minister, SYRIZA MP,
"Democracy, geography, origin, inclusion".
Tony Booth, Independent researcher, promoting values-led    education development of schools and education systems, UK and Internationally
«Nourishing socialist values in education under the neoliberal cloud».
George Angelopoulos, Assist. Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Head of the Prime Minister's Office (Thessaloniki), Hellenic Republic
Politics of inclusion in the education of refugee children: The Greeks and the Irrational
Coordination: Michael Bartsidis, Scientifique Director in the Nicos Poulantzas Institute (NPI) and   Hellenic Open University, European Civilization/Philosophy Faculty Member
Second panel 19.00 – 20.30pm
The effects of crisis in urban /spatial planning: Critical Feminist and ecological perspectives
Marion Roberts, Emeritus Professor of Urban Design at University of Westminster, London, UK
‘The conflicts between engendering spatial planning and neo-liberalism’.
Susan Buckingham, Independent researcher and consultant on gender and environmental issues. Cambridge Labour Party Women's Forum.
'What would a feminist response to the financial and ecological crisis in urban/spatial planning look like?'
Dina Vaiou, Former professor of Urban Analysis and Gender Studies in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
"(Re)defining planning stakes. Gendered practices and places of everyday survival in times of crisis"
Coordination: Anastasia – Sasa Lada, Professor Emerita, School of Architecture AUTH, Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees, Thessaloniki Concert Hall.
There will be simultaneous translation



Free admittance with entrance voucher

  • 15 February 2019
    Fri     17:00 - 21:00  (MAURICE SALTIEL HALL Μ2)