Andrei Fermeșanu

Andrei Fermeșanu is one of the most important voices of the young generation of Romanian opera singers. He has beenfirst soloist of the Romanian National Opera House since2012,being most appreciated for his rather special vocal timbre as tenore di grazia.
His professional backgrund encompasses two BA diplomas in Classic Canto and Musicology from the National University of Arts ,,George Enescu” Iași.
Moreover, from 2021 to 2022 he was the Musical Director of National Opera House Iași, and since January 2022 he has been the General Manager of the same cultural institution.
Furthermore, he completed technique and interpretation Masterclasses with some of the most noticeable personalities of the international lyric theater, such as tenor Vasile Molodoveanu or mezzosoprano Viorica Cortez.
In 2014 and 2015 he was nominated for ,,The best singer” and ,,The best male debut” in the National Opera Awards of Romania.
Nevertheless, he worked with important conductors and stagedirectors, such as Daniel Jinga and Andrei Șerban during the production of ,,Les Indes Galantes” by Jean Phillip Rameau and “Lucia di Lammermoor” by Gaetano Donizzeti in 2012 and 2014.
His repertoire includes main roles from operas or vocal-symphonic:
„Il Barbiere di Siviglia”- Gioachino Rossini
„L'elisir d'amore”- Gaetano
Don Pasquale”-Gaetano Donizetti
Lucia di Lammermoor”- de Gaetano Donizetti
„Don Giovanni” de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
,,Les Pecheurs de perles”de Georges Bizet
„Eugene Onegin” de Piotr Ilici Ceaikovski
„Rigoletto” - Giuseppe Verdi
Carmina Burana - Carl Orff
Simfonia a-IX-a-Ludvig von Beethoven
Requiem - W.A.Mozart
Lobgesang - Felix Mendelssohn
He is a constant guest of all Opera Houses in Romania, starting with the first lyric stage of the Country, The National Opera House Bucharest and also of international projects, likeIseum Festival, Hungary(2017) or ICR London(2019).

Participations - Performances - Collaborations

MOYSA: MUSICAL & BROADWAY - Thursday, 28 December 2023  