Gabriella Aiello

Gabriella Aiello was born in Rome, Italy, in 1968 where she grew up as a singer, dancer and musician. She started out studying classic singing techniques with several teachers and then she got into jazz music taking part in different orchestra projects, meanwhile improving jazz dancing as well.
Her main interest, for many years, has been world music, with its magical vocalisms and different languages; the meeting with Italian artists such as Giovanna Marini (a famous ethnomusicologist founder of schools both in Italy and France), led Gabriella’s attention to the studying of the traditional Italian culture with its ancient folk songs, musics and dances. She studied Overtones with Roberto Laneri and participated in his Overtones singing ensemble “In Forma di Cristalli”.
She has been collaborating as lead-singer and dancer with several groups, performing southern Italian popular music like Tamburi del Vesuvio in multiethnical festivals throughout Europe for a long time. For a deeper acknowledgement of this kind of music and dancing she is also studying frame drums.
She collaborated in theater as a singer actress and recorded soundtracks.
She collaborated with Patrick Valliant, Riccardo Tesi, Arnaldo Vacca, Andrea Piccioni and Nisia, Stefano Saletti.
She has a project with the harpist Giuliana De Donno dedicated to the traditional songs of the countries bathed by the sea.
She currently sings in the Oni Wytars ensemble proposing a mix of traditional and early music performing in Early Music Festival in Europa.
She sings also with Mauro Palmas and Elena Ledda, artistes from Sardinia.
She also teaches vocal technique and traditional Italian singing.

Participations - Performances - Collaborations
