Yoshihisa Matthias Kinoshita

Chorus Conductor
Yoshihisa Matthias Kinoshita is German-Japanese and father of four children.
He studied at the Cologne University of Music. Since 1989 he has been music director of the Wolfratshauser Children’s Choir, which has become one of the leading children’s choirs in Bavaria and Germany. A particular distinction of this choir is the fact, that the children are not selected according to musical or vocal talent. Even children who are not particularly vocally gifted are accepted and brought on by intensive vocal training to reach the high standard necessary. At the center lies the educational principle of the joy and motivation of singing for the child, rather than talent or previous training.
Y.M.Kinoshita was a scholarship holder of the Deutsche Musikrat in 1995.
In 1998 (Regensburg) and 2006 (Kiel) Y.M. Kinoshita and his Wolfratshauser Children’s Choir became Titleholders of the German Choir Championships in the children`s choir category.
Y.M.Kinoshita is lecturer for children’s choir direction at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich. In 2004 Y.M.Kinoshita and his children’s choir was awarded the Tassilo culture prize by the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Y.M.Kinoshita graduated as master of arts in music therapy in 2008.
His has led workshops all over the world, particularly in Japan, China, Germany, Ecuador and Italy.